Super Powers.
Through visual, auditory and spontaneous premonitions about past, current and future events a General Session often reveals key information and insights about the people and things in your life critical to your path—helping you gain clarity and direction, and facilitating healing and positive change.
When Channeling, I'm able to connect with souls that have passed over and also with the living who have for some reason failed to communicate information critical to your well-being. A channelled communication can enter into any reading, and is not therefore 'ordered' in advance, but you can inquire about anyone during your reading and we can see who comes through.
Included in General Session
By studying a photograph I am able to see through the projected shell and read the soul condition of the person. These insights often reveal key components of the personality, character, capability and intentions of a person. A Photo Reading can often confirm what you already know in your gut or help you right your course of action. A letter can often reveal the true intent behind the written words.
$50/per photograph or letter (20 min reading)
Life: SOS focuses on both the spiritual and pragmatic aspects of your life as they pertain to internal fulfillment and external success. Designed to provide a combination of healing insights, practical advice and the tools to help you make meaningful change, Life: SOS will help free you from the conditions that often stymie love, peace and success, and help you attain a deeper sense of fulfillment, wholeness and joy.
$500/ Three 1-hour sessions
Schedule a Service
To schedule a service, please reach out to me via email or fill out the form below and I'll get back to you as soon as I'm able.